Gloria Victis Wiki
Gloria Victis Wiki

Resources may be found across map. Higher tier resources can be found in more dangerous areas, like Loot Zones or near high level NPCs. Players are able to gather from the nodes by either interacting with the object or by attacking the object directly. When striking the node, there is a chance to a star to appear. Successfully landing an attack on a critical area will cause x3 damage to the node. One player may interact with a node at a time, however multiple players may manually harvest from a node at a time. Gathering in a group will increase the yield of a node by 15% per player.

Using the proper tool will greatly increase the yield of a node. XP is gained within the receptive professions: Mining and Excavation, Forestry and Farming, Fishing, Archaeology.

Gaining XP within a profession will allow the player to unlock higher tiers which grants access to use higher tier tools and resources. Players will not be able to interact or manually harvest a resource if the player has not progressed high enough to reach the respective tier. (This may cause issues with clearing higher level Abandoned Mine world events, as the player may be to able to collect from all of the nodes)

Perks will also be unlocked as the player gains more XP. Perks may reduce the amount of durability cost to use a tool or increasing yields.

There are various buffs and potions which may increase the harvested yield or XP gained.

Community Interactive Map[]

Resource Locations【資源位置】[]

Resources can be found in this following link:

Mining and Excavation[]

Proper Tool: Pickaxe

Image Icon Tier Name Found at Notes
1 Limonite
2 Limestone
1 Granite
1 Gneiss
1 Vein of Building Materials Yields: Granite, Gneiss, Limestone
2 Pyrite
3 Sulfur Used to make Aqua Fortis, a component to Dziwer Bars
3 Siderite
4 Nitre Used to make Aqua Fortis, a component to Dziwer Bars
3 Coal
2 Salt
4 Magnetite
4 Calcite
5 Tektite Can be used as a substitute for Quartz Glass when making Bulat bars.
4 Meteor Meteoric Iron will decay within a few days.
4 Vein of Rare Materials
5 Quartz Crystal

Forestry and Farming[]

Proper Tool: Woodcutter's Axe

Image Icon Tier Name Found at Notes
1 Common Wood
2 Quality Wood Used in Bastion Upgrades.
3 Decent Wood
4 Great Wood
5 Excellent Wood

Proper Tool: Sickle, Scythe

Image Icon Tier Name Used in Notes
1 Clay
1 Bucket of Water Bucket of Fertilizer Can be used from hotbar to AOE water crop plots or extinguish fires.
1 Beehive Yields; Honey, Beeswax
1 Sunflower Used to make Oil


(See article on Fishing)

Proper Tool: Fishing Rod

Icon Tier Name Bait Notes
1 Cod
2 Herring
3 Zander
4 Salmon
1 Primaeval Seal These can be turned in for gear within the capital.


(See article on Archaeology)

Proper Tool: Shovel

Image Icon Tier Name Used in Notes